Here’s an observation worth considering: A low denial rate irrespective of prohibited bases does not in itself ensure that denial disparities by prohibited bases will disappear. In fact, that low denial rate could be a warning that other issues exist, and if the...
Freddie Mac recently released a study Research Note pdf based on their analysis of appraisal valuations. It’s worth taking a look. The following sentence from the report summarizes the findings: Our preliminary modeling results suggest that even when taking...
Inaccurate information held by organizations regarding fair lending risk management can hinder them from successfully managing that risk. Today, we’re looking at five prevalent expectations within the industry and the reality for each. Expectation #1: Written policies...
In this current volatile economic environment caused by a public health crisis, mortgage borrowers may have difficulty making mortgage payments. The OCC has directed banks to be flexible with such borrowers. The GSEs have encouraged forbearance and halted...
If you’re lending funds to future homeowners in 2020, an increase in FHA loan limits in your local county may impact your daily operations. What is FHA? The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provides mortgage insurance on loans made by approved lenders, like you,...
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