For lenders who need to prepare, submit, and report Small Business Lending/1071 data

Transforming Compliance: Unleashing Small Business 1071™️'s Power for You.
2. Kickstart your data collection for SBL 1071 effortlessly, even while awaiting crucial data fields from your LOS.
3. Uncover hidden data quality issues that escape traditional edit checks, ensuring data integrity and compliance accuracy.
4. Build a robust foundation for Small Business Lending/1071 compliance, setting the stage for accurate and effective adherence.
5. Pinpoint numeric outliers beyond user-specified standard ranges.
6.No software installation, updates, or maintenance is required by your firm, enabling a hassle-free and efficient compliance experience.
Step-by-Step guided process mirrors the Small Business Lending data creation process
- Fully integrated with other ComplianceTech tools, (Fair Lending Magic™, Lending Patterns™, HMDA Ready™, and CRA Check™)
Includes standard reports
2. Generate submission-ready small business lending databases from scratch using our spreadsheet template or via import from a loan origination system or other vendors’ application
On-screen access Small Business guidance
2. Allows limited access for others to help prepare the Small Business data for submission
3. Delegate tasks to other members of your team through administrator permissions