
List of articles

DIY Statistical Analysis of HMDA Data

HMDA data is not just about collecting and reporting.  If used right, it can be a strategic asset that can produce bottom-line results.  I encourage you to make the most of your data by asking and answering questions based on HMDA results you see in LendingPatterns™....

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What’s the latest on Public 2017 HMDA Data?

In years past, FFIEC’s release of public HMDA data from the previous year had been finalized by November. But not so this year. My colleagues and I have been getting questions about whether the 2017 public data are final, so this blog will hopefully provide clarity on...

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Six Fun Facts about Combined Statistical Areas

Combined Statistical Areas (CSAs) are defined in Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Performance Evaluations (e.g., this one) as “a combination of several adjacent metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) or micropolitan statistical areas or a mix of the two, which are...

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Get Ready For The MBA’s Annual Convention & Expo

The MBA’s Annual Convention & Expo is the country’s largest gathering of real estate finance professionals, and you can’t miss this great opportunity to deepen your knowledge on the industry. The event takes place from October 14th to 17th in Washington, DC, and...

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Four Problems Our Software Can Help You Solve

In order to thrive in the lending business, you need to identify market opportunities, formulate lending benchmarks, and adopt lending best practices. While all these tasks can be challenging, ComplianceTech can help you make them simpler thanks to our software...

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I Have Some Suggestions on HMDA Peer Selection

Defining HMDA peer groups is critical for fair lending benchmark performance evaluation.  I’m often asked, “How do regulators define a peer group?”  Regulators don’t define peer groups; they offer guidance.  For example, they expect lenders to know who their...

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