With only a few months left before your March 1 filing, now is a good time to plan the year-end HMDA scrub. The point of a HMDA Scrub is to compare specific data in the loan application register (LAR) to loan origination source systems (LOS) or physical loan...
An old adage is that statistical analysis can only be as good as the data that goes into it. Garbage in, garbage out. In the realm of fair lending analysis, there is a dilemma that every analyst must deal with, namely, how to handle and analyze HMDA records where race...
Fair lending analysis attempts to use lending transaction data to tell the story of the evenhandedness of underwriting, pricing, and marketing decisions in terms of what happened when, where, why, how, and to whom. Fair lending compliance managers may use HMDA...
I have always been shocked by the reluctance of lenders to use HMDA data for reasons other than fair lending. Too often, mentioning the four letters, H M D A, causes heartburn among lenders. This is understandable because HMDA is associated with...
Here’s an observation worth considering: A low denial rate irrespective of prohibited bases does not in itself ensure that denial disparities by prohibited bases will disappear. In fact, that low denial rate could be a warning that other issues exist, and if the...
As the year 2021 winds down, it is time to start thinking about ensuring that your HMDA submission is ready to be filed by March 1, 2022. Before the end of this year Compliance Officers, and those ultimately responsible for the HMDA submission signoff, should...
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