One of the great features of LendingPatterns™ is that any lender’s diverse lending performance can be analyzed in the context of other lenders in the same market. This is the only way a given lender’s performance can be said to be above or below...
LendingPatterns™ has been updated with the 2021 Area Median Income based on the 2021 FFIEC Census data released July 14, 2021. To review the latest MSA/MD estimates, consult the 2021 Median Family Income Report using the link below. 2021 FFIEC Median Family...
Like last year, I want to write another blog to recap the year’s HMDA developments and look ahead to what’s coming in 2020. This year’s blog will summarize three different fronts: 1) data collection, 2) Reg C changes, and 3) disclosure of public data. In each area,...
Before a lender enters a market, it needs to gauge the size of the business opportunity. An accurate understanding of historical loan production in each metro area, county, state, city and even census tract can help size the opportunity and the amount or location of...
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