Event Date: November 20-December 14, 2023 Registration Link CUNA Lending eSchool 2023Event Date: November 20 – December 14, 2023 Recorded Available Until: October 31, 2024 One of the important ways credit unions serve their members is through offering critical...
Welcome to the webinar: Navigating Fair Lending: Insights into Risk Assessments and Monitoring for Credit Unions! We will address the following topics during the July 18, 2023, webinar at 1:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. Fair Lending Hot Topics for CUs In today’s...
ComplianceTech is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming American Bankers Association (ABA) Regulatory Compliance Conference from June 13-16, 2023. This conference is a premier event for regulatory compliance professionals in the banking industry, and...
Event Date: April 02 – April 06, 2023 ComplianceTech will present at the CUNA Fair Lending Pre-Conference Workshop in San Diego, CA The mortgage lending market is a wide and ever-evolving field that requires access to up-to-date, reliable information on a...
ComplianceTech’s Dana Ginsburg will be a guest speaker at the February 16th CRA Hub workshop for members. The topic presented will be Fair Lending Fundamentals for CRA Officers. For more information about joining CRA Hub, visit https://cratoday.com/hub/. The CRA...
ComplianceTech will host a free webinar on February 9, 2023, at 3:30 PM Eastern. Join us for a conversation about Section 1071 including expert guidance related to small business data collection and reporting. Topics will include: A. Understanding the 1071 proposed...
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