Key Questions to Ask about CRA Submission Software
Compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is essential for financial institutions that want to remain in good standing with regulators and the communities they serve. The CRA requires banks and other lenders to meet the credit needs of the communities in...Practical Guidance on How to Monitor and Assess Redlining Risk
This article will highlight a few recent high profile redlining cases and their settlements. Then, we will explain how fair lending software and consulting can help mortgage lenders evaluate their redlining risk. Our tools are guided by the following settlements...HMDA Data and Strategic Planning for Mortgage Lenders
As a mortgage compliance professional, you know your fair lending responsibility related to HMDA; but I want to go beyond and discuss how to use HMDA data for strategic planning. If you are concerned with corporate growth and development, then you know this is more...
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