The Lack of Mortgage Lending to Black Americans A 10-Year Trend Analysis (2012-2021)

Mortgage Lending to Black Americans - A 10-Year Trend Analysis

The Mortgage Lending to Black Americans A 10-Year Trend Analysis Report by Maurice Jourdain-Earl is available for download.

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Maurice Jourdain-Earl, Managing Director of ComplianceTech, recently released a 10-Year Trend Analysis detailing mortgage lending to Black Americas from 2012-2021. The full report is available for download using the link below. There are three goals outlined in the report:

  1. Provide an overview of mortgage lending to black Americans using ten years of HMDA data from LendingPatterns.
  2. Show Black loans in the context of the overall mortgage market. Focus only on originated loans, excluding loans with unknown race.
  3. Describe the challenges and considerations for banks, bank regulators, and secondary agencies in lending to Black Americans.